Zeitschrift für Diabetes und Stoffwechsel

ISSN - 2155-6156

Volumen 5, Ausgabe 6 (2014)


All Things are Lawful, but not all Things are Helpful. Reflections on the Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease

Sur Genel, Floca Emanuela, Sur Daniel G, Miclos M Corina and Sur M Lucia


Associations between Sensorimotor, Autonomic and Central Neuropathies in Diabetes Mellitus

Christina Brock, Eirik Søfteland, Jens Brøndum Frøkjær, Asbjørn Mohr Drewes and Lars Arendt-Nielsen


Liraglutide and Insulin are Associated with a Decreased Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Jakob Starup-Linde, Jan Scheel-Thomsen, Michael Gejl, Peter Vestergaard, and Soeren Gregersen


Peripheral Artery Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients from the United Arab Emirates

Juma M Al-Kaabi, Fatma Al Maskari, Taoufik Zoubeidi, Abdishakur Abdulle, Syed M Shah, Paul Cragg, Bachar Afandi and Abdul-Kader Souid


Body Mass Index, Fatty Liver Index and Other Metabolic Disturbances Differentially Affect Albuminuria and Glomerular Filtration Rate in the General Population

Adrien Bigot, Gaëlle Gusto, Nane Copin, Bénédicte Sautenet, Olivier Lantieri and Jean-Michel Halimi


Comparative Efficacy of iBGStar

Antonio Nicolucci, Maria Chiara Rossi, Valentino Cherubini, Diario Iafusco, Fabio Pellegrini and Paolo Di Bartolo


Relapsing Polychondritis Following Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: A Rare Coincidence or an Intrinsic Risk?

Hua Li, Bin Liu, Wen Zhang, Yuan Yao, Liqing Wang, Miaomiao Xin and Lei Zhao


Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, as Assessed by Fecal Elastase-1 Levels, in Diabetic Patients: An Estimate of Prevalence in Prospective Studies

Angelo Andriulli, Antonio Massimo Ippolito, Virginia Festa, Maria Rosa Valvano, Antonio Merla, Fabrizio Bossa, Grazia Niro, Grazia Napolitano, Luigi Benini and Italo Vantini