Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Promote Vaginal Wall Healing af | 10060

Rekonstruktive Chirurgie und Anaplastologie

ISSN - 2161-1173


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Promote Vaginal Wall Healing after Salvage Surgery for Mesh-related Complication

Michelle Lightfoot, Caroline L Wallner, Roger Hadley H and Andrea Staack

Patients with multiple failed vaginal surgeries utilizing synthetic mesh present a therapeutic challenge. We present a case of a 75-year-old woman with severe stress urinary incontinence and mesh extrusion after two failed synthetic sling surgeries. Surgical reconstruction consisted of mesh excision, urethral reconstruction with vaginal tubularization, autologous rectus fascia sling placement. The patient developed a vaginal hematoma and wound dehiscence post-operatively, which was treated with surgical debridement and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). The patient’s wound healed well, and she regained full continence, which was sustained at 10 months postoperatively. HBO therapy promotes wound healing after complex transvaginal reconstructive surgery.